Moonlight Serenaders Big Band performs for 700 guests at Summit County Annual Republican Party Gala

Lincoln Day will never be the same after the tremendous success of the July 24th 88th Annual Lincoln Day Dinner held at the beautiful Quaker Square Catering Event Center in downtown Akron. With a sold out audience of over seven hundred people, the Moonlight Serenaders were honored to bring the Big Band sounds to this event.

Lavish room decorations supported the thirty person head table seating and seventy tables filling the room to capacity. Dinner presentations were wonderful attended by a supporting team of professions within the Quaker Square management organization. According to the organization’s directors, this year’s event is recognized as the MOST SUCCESSFUL FUND RAISER for the Summit County RNC on record. A fabulous evening and memorable night of fellowship and musical magic bringing all walks of life together.

Without question the guest speakers were front and center of this event,.. Starting with a full scale band rendering of the Star Spangled Banner, featuring the organization’s own professional vocalist. Immediately following was the Hollywood style elegant and elaborate synchronization of guest speakers each recognized with a musical introduction for each of the head table dignitaries representing all segments of the Summit County RNC connection. “Hail the Gangs All Here” and “Happy Days are Here Again”…were dominant themes, but the first few notes of “New York – New York” announced the entrance of the Keynote Speaker, Donald Trump Jr. to a complete audience standing ovation.
Tremendous musical orchestration care was provided by the band to assure the event organizers that the music would “match the event and audience” perfectly. From providing a magical continuous hour of recognizable all-American standards of dinner music, to pulling out all the musical-stops after the speakers had completed all their presentations. Signaling the conclusion of the guest speakers was a full score band rending of The Battle Hymn of the Republic. The seven hundred guests were now ready to dance. The ever popular Glenn Miller standard, In The Mood ignited the music and dancing.

The band’s working sound and photography crew heard many comments from attending guests, sharing how much they enjoyed the music of the Moonlight Serenaders, the selection of music, the controlled sound volume and that the band was instrumental in making this evening one of the best Summit County RNC events and gatherings.

Please note, the Moonlight Serenaders Big Band does not endorse any political organization.