Moonlight Serenaders Big Band featured at July 23rd Ohio Veterans Memorial Park, Korean War Memorial Dedication

Despite the turbulent wind and down-pouring rain, The Moonlight Serenaders performed and entertained the large attending audience assembled in Clinton, Ohio on a dark Saturday afternoon. Families of multiple generations gathered to recognize and pay tribute to the 1,822 Ohio soldiers who lost their lives during the 1951 -1953 Korean War. Their names are now forever included in the special section of the Memorial Wall, dedicated to the Korean War.

A two hour performance program was planned but because of the increasing dangerous wind and rain conditions the band only performed half the program. Special elements of the performance included the reading of a Tribute to America by vocalist Don Howdyshell that preceded the National Anthem sung by the Serenader Sisters, and the band’s performance of Armed Forces Marches which spotlighted all five branches of the armed services. The official program culminated in the performance of echoing Taps, featuring the band’s lead trumpet artist, Rich Lindemeyer.

The Moonlight Serenaders are honored to be contracted for providing the appropriate big band music of the Korean War era for this very special dedication and event.

Photos by Steve Wallis (Visit Steve’s website in a new tab)

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